A new acquisition for the Holdim Group: Rail joins the team
Following the acquisition of Green Force, Holdim expands its horizons, initiating a significant technological and industrial hub to develop innovative products dedicated to low environmental impact mobility
The Holdim Group has acquired 100% of Rail SRL, based in Vezzano sul Crostolo, Reggio Emilia. Rail specializes in the design and production of injectors and valves for gaseous fuels and biofuels, distributed on a global scale.
The new addition will complement Ecomotive Solutions alongside Cavagna Group, Autogas Italia, and Bigas in the development of innovative products for eco-sustainable mobility, with particular attention to hydrogen and biofuels developments; thus, expanding the Holdim Group's offering in the alternative fuels and conversions sector.
The consortium therefore aims to be a comprehensive technological partner, not excluding any transformation method a priori, including bifuel and full gas conversions, in order to meet a wide range of optimization needs.